Humans and Their Compulsion to Disobey
Personally, I don't put much stock in the truthfulness, or accuracy of the Bible's rendition of history. I do, however, believe that the Bible acts as a very good demonstration as to the nature of humans. Genesis begins with God creating everything and everyone and all that jazz. I, though, would like to focus on Adam and Eve and the fact that they were unable to resist the temptation to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. It begins with God creating Adam and then specifically telling him to NOT eat from the Tree of Knowledge. God then creates the perfect compliment to man, woman. The woman's name was Eve, and together they lived in ignorant bliss. That is, until the serpent came along. The serpent was "more subtle" than any other creature created by God. The serpent asked Eve, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" And to that, Eve replied, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch, lest you die.'" (Real quick: the tree in the "midst of the garden" is the Tree of Knowledge) The serpent then suggested to Eve that she will not die should she eat of the forbidden fruit, for "God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Then, Eve cast her gaze upon the tree and saw that it was good for fruit, not only good for fruit, but a "delight to the eyes"as well. The tree would also make one wise, for those who so desired. Eve took the fruit, ate it, and finally, gave some to her husband Adam, who also ate it. Now, I would like to just take some time to recap/breakdown what has happened. The omnipotent and almighty God specifically instructed that neither Adam, nor Eve, was to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, LEST THEY DIE. The creator of EVERYTHING, gave clear and concise guidelines, as to what was permitted. Yet, for some reason, all it took was a little coaxing from a creature that was no more than a product of God, and therefore irrelevant in comparison, to get humans to disobey. It could be argued that the serpent was a sly, silver-tongued creature that was too much for Eve's inhibitions, but, I believe it was underlying desire for what was forbidden. Think back to the numerous times in life in which someone forbade from something. More oft than not, it increased your desire for whatever it was, even if the forbidder was right! After all, what grander scale could there be than simple humans disobeying their almighty creator. Regardless of whether you believe the historical accuracy of the Bible, you cannot dispute it's ability to convey the underlying characteristics of the human race.
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